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About us

Why us?

Why us?

-We only work with trusted suppliers
- We organize comprehensive deliveries - collecting materials from many countries at the same time
- We provide inward processing services in the suspension system
- We provide support for import logistics, international transport and customs procedures
- We provide support for import logistics, international transport and customs procedures
- We organize the supervision of foreign productions
- We maintain constant contact with independent experts from the certification bodies

It performs contracts for the supply of high-alloy steel products in industries :

- chemical
- energy

Today Austenit Import is an established brand in the alloy steel products supply market. The company specializes in contract based complex deliveries
with a strong focus on pipelines and their components.

History of Austenit Import reaches year 1989 - when during the economic transformations Jacek and Krystyna Ciećkiewicz decided to start a trading company




In 1995 the company focused its operations on trade of acid-resistant stainless steel and changed its name to Austenite-Import.


Today Austenit Import is an established brand in the alloy steel products supply market. The company specializes in contract based complex deliveries
with a strong focus on pipelines and their components.


W 1995 roku skrystalizowano działalność firmy koncentrując się na handlu stalą nierdzewną i kwasoodporną - przyjęto nazwę Austenit-Import , która najlepiej oddawała profil działalności firmy


History of Austenit Import reaches year 1989 - when during the economic transformations Jacek and Krystyna Ciećkiewicz decided to start a trading company

Austenit Import Sp. J. Krystyna Ciećkiewicz, Jacek Ciećkiewicz

Szosa Okrężna 3-13
87-100 Toruń, Polska
NIP: 584-10-07-316

Copyright Austenit Import 2023

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